Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pretty Little Liars = Guilty LIttle Pleasure

Okay I have to admit, I watched the first couple episodes of Pretty Little Liars (will abbreviate as PLL from now on) and hated it.
Here's a list of reasons why:

  1. A secret stalker that wants to expose the girls' secret? What a Gossip Girl knock off. 
  2. I wanted to like Emily. She's tall, gorgeous, and Asian. Yet, she had to be a lesbian. (no I'm not homophobic, I just was disappointed because I could no longer relate to her)
  3. The show was too dark and gloomy. When I sit in front of the TV (or computer, in my case), I don't want to watch a show that will create even more stress in my stress-proned life. I watch TV because I need senseless but entertaining drama that will help me for 40 minutes forget about real life.
  4. It didn't appeal to me. What is so enjoyable about 4 high school girls getting stalked by a freaky psychopath?
its now officially summer break and I'm officially out of shows to watch. Plus, summer can be really boring so I need something to entertain myself.... So I gave PLL another shot and a few episodes later and verdict is...

I'M totally HOOKED. 

I've found the character that I have the most in common with. Spencer -- her ambition, the pressure to be perfect, her amazing looks (jokes). I also like Hanna although I first thought she was just a brainless, blonde, fluff-head but I've grown to like her. She's caring and sweet. 

But I still haven't found a guy character on PLL that I'm totally in love with yet. But Toby is pretty sweet -- and sometimes he's kinda hot in a totally creepy kinda way. Don't you think?

As of right now I'm only mid-season 1 so I have to do my best to catch up. Will update my thoughts on this guilty pleasure in future blog. 

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