Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Shows I've Been Loving Lately: Modern Family

Modern Family has been turning into the "new" FRIENDs for me. Its funny, witty, sarcastic, and worthy-of-praise in every single way. As you can probably tell, I can't say enough good things about this show. 

Modern Family is a sitcom about three "modern" families and by "modern" I mean "rather untraditional." You see there's the story of two gay couples with their newly adopted Asian baby, a sixty-something wealthy dude married to a strong-accented but hot thirty something, and the last family with a goofball father, high maintainance mother and three kids each as different as night and day. Yet with all these characters and family, the show somehow manages to seamlessly interwove the three storylines creating one awesome show. One thing you should know though, Modern Family humor is rather subtle so if you are not one to decipher character's unintentional humor lines then this may not be the show for you.

Nonetheless, I frikking love this show. Below are some pictures (just so you recognize it while you're surfing the channels) and some screencaps (just to prove to you how funny it is).